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Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

Does Asthma Affect Oral Health?

About 20 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, a long-term lung disease that causes swelling and narrowing of the airways. The condition has been linked to oral health, with patients having increased risk for cavities, gum problems, and bad breath.

One of the main culprits negatively impacting an asthma patient’s oral health is the medication required to treat the condition. Some medicines, such as corticosteroids, decrease the flow of saliva. This leads to dry mouth, which in turn can increase cavities and bad breath. Dry mouth is worsened by the fact that many asthma patients breathe through their mouth. Inhaled steroids can also increase the risk of thrush, which is caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth.

Here are some tips for keeping your mouth safe while still controlling your asthma:

  • Make sure your dentist is aware of your condition, as well as all medications that you are taking.
  • Rinse your mouth with water or a fluoride mouthwash after using your inhaler.
  • Consider using a spacer device with your inhaler, which will spray the medication directly into your throat and avoid some of the direct risks to your mouth.
  • Bring your inhaler with you to dentist appointments, both to show it to your dentist and to have your medication available in case you experience an asthma attack at the office.
  • Ask your dentist if more frequent dental visits are recommended in your case.
  • Inquire about adding fluoride supplements to your routine, especially in areas where the water is not fluoridated.
  • Maintain good brushing and flossing habits.

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Choosing a Family Dentist

Choosing a Family Dentist

When you’re talking about the oral health of yourself and your family, there is no excuse for neglecting regular dental care. There are various kinds of dentists and specialists, but if you need general dental treatment, a family dentist is a great choice.

Family dentists treat common dental problems and provide maintenance care. Visiting a family dentist is the first line of defense against oral health problems. In addition to regular checkups and cleanings, you will learn preventative techniques to help you avoid issues. If the dentist diagnoses a problem and you need further treatment, a specialist in that area may be recommended to provide additional specialized care.

It is important to find the right family dentist for your needs. Look for advertisements for dentists in your area, and ask friends and family for recommendations. Visit the dental office before finalizing your selection so that you can meet the staff, see the facility and equipment, and learn more about the practice. You should feel comfortable and confident in the office policies and staff, since you are likely establishing a healthcare relationship to last for years.

Also ask about the dentist’s qualifications and experience. Make sure that the services you are interested in are offered, and that the dentist works with specialists to get you the proper treatment for those that are not offered. It is ideal to visit the dentist for minor treatment such as a professional cleaning before switching the whole family to the practice. That way you can see first-hand if the dentist meets your expectations. You may also want to schedule an appointment for your children to ensure the whole family is comfortable.

Once you and your family are confident that the family dentist is right for all of you, switch everyone to the practice and then follow up on regular dental care for the whole family.

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What is Family Dentistry?

What is Family Dentistry?

You might wonder what the difference is between general dentistry and family dentistry. They are quite similar but have a few key distinctions. Finding the right dental health professional for you and your family is very important, and maintaining checkups and treatment is part of the process.

One major element of family dentistry is that these professionals accepts patients of all ages, from babies to senior adults. Every member of your family can visit the same office and receive consistent quality care that you expect from your chosen dentist. Each age group has unique needs that can be addressed by a family dentist who is trained and experienced in handling those concerns.

Family dentists provide treatment to both repair existing problems. Diagnosing oral health issues and then performing procedures such as fillings are common parts of the job. Your family dentist may recommend that some services be treated by a specialist, like oral surgeons for dental implants, endodontists for root canal therapy, or orthodontists for braces. However some family dentists perform those types of procedures, so it depends your service provider.

Family dentists also perform treatments to help avoid future oral health problems. Things like cleanings, fluoride treatments, and sealant application are all routine tasks. It is vital to schedule dental checkups every six months to catch and treat problems before they have a chance to advance. Some offices provide teeth whitening, and all family dentists are well-versed in training your family members in the best techniques for home dental hygiene.

To increase the likelihood of you and your loved ones keeping appointments, choose a family dentist with a convenient office location. Also, find a practice that is comfortable and appealing to family members. Younger children may benefit from distraction items such as television or video games. If dental anxiety is an issue for anyone, a practice that offers sedation dentistry may be a good choice.

Ask coworkers, friends, and neighbors for recommendations for a good family dentist in your area. Visit the practice to ensure it is right for you, and then make and keep appointments for everyone in your family.

If you live in the Sicklerville area contact us today

General Dentistry to the Rescue

General Dentistry to the Rescue

Maintaining a healthy, winning smile is easy with the help of general dentistry. People have all kinds of excuses for avoiding dental checkups. Don’t have the time? Advancements in procedures make treatment faster and more efficient, and extended hours allow patients to better fit appointments in their schedules. Too expensive? Many procedures are reasonably priced and most offices offer financial plans. Afraid of the dentist? General dentistry offers options for maintaining patient comfort and minimizing pain.

Once you realize there is no good excuse for skipping dental treatment, you should go for checkups twice a year for optimum care. Prevention is often the key to having the best oral health. Routine checkups identify early warning signs of issues like tooth decay or gum disease, so that problems can be corrected before becoming severe. Thorough examinations, diagnostic tests like X-rays, and regular professional cleanings are all steps to a healthy smile.

General dentists also teach proper hygiene methods so that you can keep your mouth in good shape between checkups. Routine dental care also may prevent harmful bacteria from entering your bloodstream and damaging other parts of your body.

If problems are diagnosed when you visit your dentist, various treatments can be performed to restore your oral health. General dentists treat all kinds of issues and typically offer dental fillings, root canal therapy, extractions, bonding, crowns, dentures and more. If there are procedures that you need that your general dentist doesn’t perform or would prefer you visit a specialist for advanced treatment, you’ll be referred to a qualified and experienced doctor.

General dentistry can make the difference between a dull, damaged, unhealthy smile and one that will look nice and function well for the rest of your life. Don’t hesitate in visiting your dentist regularly for optimum oral health.

If you need a dentist in Sicklerville contact us today

Smile Confidently: Unveiling the Benefits of Dental Implants

Smile Confidently: Unveiling the Benefits of Dental Implants

The Benefits of Dental Implants: Restoring Oral Health and Confidence

The Importance of Dental Health

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to overall health. Poor dental health can lead to a variety of health problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, and even heart disease. It’s important to take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly, visiting your dentist for routine checkups and cleanings, and addressing any dental issues promptly.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide numerous benefits beyond just restoring missing teeth. One major benefit is improved confidence in your smile and appearance.

Because they look and feel like natural teeth, dental implants can restore confidence in those who may have felt self-conscious about their smile or speech due to missing teeth. In addition to enhanced appearance, dental implants also provide greater functionality compared to other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges.

They allow for better chewing ability without discomfort or slipping associated with other methods. Another significant benefit is long-term durability; when cared for properly, dental implants can last a lifetime unlike other options that may need frequent replacement.

Furthermore, dental implants promote better oral health by preventing bone loss and gum recession that can occur with missing teeth. They also make it easier to maintain proper oral hygiene by not requiring special cleaning methods or adhesives.

Overall, dental implants provide a permanent, cost-effective solution for enhancing oral health and confidence. In the following sections, we will explore each of these benefits in more detail.

Improved Appearance

Dental implants are a highly effective solution for restoring missing, damaged or decayed teeth. They are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, providing a very natural-looking appearance that is sure to restore confidence in your smile and overall appearance. In fact, dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth, making them a perfect solution for anyone who wants to improve the appearance of their smile.

Dental implants look and feel like natural teeth

The materials used in dental implants are carefully chosen to ensure they look and feel just like natural teeth. The implant itself is made of titanium, which is biocompatible and can integrate with the jawbone over time for added stability. The crown (the visible part of the implant) is typically made of porcelain or ceramic material that closely resembles the color, texture and translucency of your natural teeth.

Because dental implants are custom-designed to match your existing teeth, they will blend seamlessly with the rest of your smile. This creates a more cohesive look that will make you feel confident when you smile or talk to others.

Restores confidence in smile and appearance

The impact of a missing tooth or multiple missing teeth can go beyond just affecting oral health. It can also have an effect on emotional well-being. People who have lost one or more teeth may struggle with feeling self-conscious about their appearance when talking, smiling or eating in public.

Dental implants provide an excellent way to restore confidence by providing a natural-looking solution that seamlessly blends with surrounding teeth and restores full functionality while improving aesthetics. If you’re looking for ways to improve your overall oral health while regaining confidence in your smile’s appearance, consider consulting with an experienced dentist about whether dental implants may be right for you.

Enhanced Functionality

Improved Chewing and Speaking Ability

Dental implants are designed to function like natural teeth, allowing patients to chew and speak with ease. With dentures, there can be discomfort or soreness associated with eating certain foods, which can lead to a limited diet. Dental implants help alleviate this issue by providing a strong foundation for chewing and biting into food without any discomfort.

Additionally, dentures can slip around in the mouth while speaking or eating, leading to issues with communication and confidence. With dental implants, there is no slipping or movement of the tooth replacement, allowing patients to feel more comfortable and secure while speaking or eating.

No More Discomfort or Slipping Associated with Dentures

One of the main issues with traditional dentures is that they can cause discomfort due to pressure on the gums and bone tissue underneath. This pressure can also lead to bone loss over time. Dental implants provide an alternative solution that eliminates these issues.

The implant is surgically placed into the jawbone where it fuses with the bone tissue over time, creating a strong foundation for a tooth replacement that doesn’t put pressure on gums or cause pain. Additionally, because dental implants are anchored securely in place within the jawbone, there is no slipping or movement associated with wearing them compared to traditional dentures.

Overall, dental implants provide a permanent solution for those looking for enhanced functionality when it comes to chewing and speaking ability without any discomfort. The elimination of slipping and movement also leads to improved confidence levels while wearing them compared to traditional dentures.

Long-Term Durability

Dental implants are a permanent solution for missing teeth, as they integrate with the jawbone and create a stable foundation for the artificial tooth. Unlike other tooth replacement options like dentures or bridges, dental implants do not require any special care or maintenance once they have been properly placed. With proper care and regular dental check-ups, dental implants can last a lifetime.

Dental Implants are a Permanent Solution

Dental implants are made from high-quality materials that promote osseointegration, which is the process of bone fusing with the implant. This creates a stable foundation for the artificial tooth and helps prevent bone loss in the jawbone. As long as the implant is not damaged or impacted by gum disease or trauma, it will remain in place and function like a natural tooth.

Proper Care Can Last A Lifetime

Although dental implants do not require any special care or maintenance, it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits to ensure their longevity. Brushing twice daily, flossing regularly, and visiting your dentist for routine check-ups will help to keep your gums healthy and prevent any damage to your implant. It is also important to avoid chewing on hard objects like ice or using your teeth as tools to prevent any damage to your implant.

In addition to promoting good oral hygiene habits, proper care also includes avoiding habits that can contribute to gum disease such as smoking or using tobacco products. Patients who smoke have an increased risk of implant failure due to reduced blood flow and poor healing abilities.

Overall, dental implants are a highly durable tooth replacement option that can last a lifetime with proper care and regular check-ups with your dentist. By taking these simple steps you can ensure that you get the most out of your investment in better oral health!

Improved Oral Health

Dental implants are not only a cosmetic solution but also a functional one. They can improve your oral health in many ways. Unlike dentures, which can cause bone loss and gum recession, dental implants prevent these issues from occurring.

Dental Implants Prevent Bone Loss and Gum Recession

When you lose a tooth, the bone that once supported it begins to deteriorate due to lack of use. Over time this can lead to teeth becoming loose or even falling out. Dental implants act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and preventing any further bone loss or gum recession from occurring.

Easier to Maintain Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. With dental implants, it’s easier to maintain good oral hygiene than with other tooth replacement options such as dentures or bridges.

You can brush and floss your dental implants just like you would with natural teeth; there is no need for any special cleaning techniques or products. Furthermore, because dental implants are permanent fixtures in your mouth, there’s no need to remove them for cleaning overnight like with dentures which need thorough cleaning before being replaced inside the mouth every morning.

Dental Implants not only restore your smile but also have long-lasting health benefits that improve your overall quality of life. They preserve the strength of the jawbone while making good oral hygiene much more accessible!

Cost-Effective Solution

Dental implants can be a cost-effective solution for those seeking a long-term tooth replacement option. While the initial costs of implant procedures may be higher than other options, such as dentures or bridges, they offer long-term savings and benefits that outweigh their initial cost.

Long-term Savings Compared to Other Tooth Replacement Options

The longevity of dental implants is what sets them apart from other tooth replacement options. Implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care, unlike bridges or dentures that may need to be replaced every few years. The ongoing costs associated with these other options can add up over time and end up costing more than the initial investment in dental implants.

Furthermore, dental implants do not require any additional maintenance beyond regular brushing and flossing like natural teeth. Whereas, bridges or dentures require special cleaning solutions or adhesives for upkeep.

Insurance Coverage for Dental Implant Procedures

Many dental insurance plans cover all or part of the costs associated with implant procedures. This coverage typically applies when the implant is deemed medically necessary due to trauma, disease, or injury rather than purely cosmetic reasons.

Check with your insurance provider about their specific coverage policies for dental implants. If you do not have dental insurance that covers implant procedures, there are financing options available through many providers that can make it easier to afford the upfront cost of treatment.

While dental implants may have a higher initial investment compared to other tooth replacement options but they provide long-term savings and benefits by being durable which makes them the preferred option in most cases. They also offer insurance coverage for medically necessary treatments which provides peace of mind regarding payment and affordability.

Consider Dental Implant Procedures

Patients who are unhappy with their current tooth replacement option should consider dental implant procedures. Not only do dental implants offer numerous benefits for improved oral health, but they also provide a long-term cost-effective solution. The cost of the procedure may seem high up front, but the long-term savings will outweigh the initial investment.

Improved Health and Functionality

The decision to undergo a dental implant procedure can be life-changing. Patients no longer have to suffer from discomfort or embarrassment associated with dentures or bridges.

A confident smile can lead to increased self-esteem and overall happiness. Furthermore, restored functionality allows patients to enjoy their favorite foods without worrying about slippage or discomfort.

Dental implant procedures offer numerous benefits for improving oral health, functionality, and appearance while providing a permanent solution for tooth replacement. It is important for patients who are considering this procedure to weigh the costs versus benefits and make an informed decision with their dentist’s guidance in order to attain optimal results.

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment today at our Sicklerville dental office.

Cavities: Not Just for Kids

Cavities: Not Just for Kids

Once you’re an adult, you don’t have to worry about cavities anymore. Right? Wrong! It’s true that you should have mastered oral hygiene techniques, but there are different factors that can contribute to cavities that weren’t a big issue during childhood. What are some of the things that put you at risk for cavities once you’ve reached adulthood, and what can you do about them?


Often your diet is worse as an adult without even realizing it, and what you eat and drink directly affects your teeth and gums. Sugar is the biggest offender and all types of sugar counts, not just the obvious candy or sodas. Limit your consumption of juices, milk, crackers, sweetened coffee, fruits, and vitamin or energy drinks.


Many people tend to “graze” on foods and drinks all day long. If you snack frequently, you’re giving bacteria a constant supply of sugars to mix with and damage your mouth. Even though it’s tempting to sip on coffee or soda all morning, it’s better to drink it in one sitting. Also consider using a straw to avoid your teeth completely.

Receding gums

If your gums pull away from your teeth, your tooth roots can be exposed to plaque. Older patients with gingivitis, or gum disease, are more likely to form cavities. If the roots of your teeth are uncovered, you are more susceptible to plaque buildup and tooth decay.

Previous fillings

Fillings you received earlier in life can contribute to adult cavities. The filling may weaken with time, allowing bacteria into any cracks. Your dentist will check existing fillings for wear and replace them if needed.

Medical conditions

People with lower saliva flow due to various illnesses are at higher risk of cavities. Cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation are at more risk, as are smokers. People with limited manual dexterity may be unable to clean their teeth sufficiently.

Ways to decrease your risk

Brush with a fluoride toothpaste after meals, floss daily, and rinse with a fluoride mouthwash. See your dentist twice a year, and also inquire about fluoride treatments.

If you live in the Sicklerville area contact us today

Lakeside Dental
601 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081


Lakeside Dental
601 Liberty Place
Sicklerville, NJ 08081


Sicklerville Dentist. Dorothy Drain DMD provides Dental Implants, Snap On Smiles, Lumineers, Childrens Dentist, Dental Hygiene, Same Day Dental Emergency, Dental Insurance to the following locations: Williamston, NJ, Berlin, NJ, Glouster, NJ, Berlin, NJ.